Even the better educated suffer from stress in today’s circumstances

In reference to “Life Spans Shrink for Least-Educated Whites in the U.S.”:

Considering what stress can do on a person, coupled with the other factors they indicated, it’s no wonder that the life expectancy has shrunk over the years.

Quality of life is not what it should be under many of the circumstances all people face. The sad fact of this is, even if a person is, in fact, educated- if they are in low-income jobs they still face issues that will impact their life expectancy.

Even if they are “smart” enough to steer away from drugs, smoking, and eat as healthy as possible, stress is still a huge factor and if they are in a job that doesn’t offer health insurance, or they can’t afford to take time off to take care of themselves, they can’t get proper medical care to keep them healthy.
