Even 2 parent families can be screwed up

Re: Extreme Weather and Extreme Denial

OK Dr. Tom. I used to smoke pot, occasionally and socially, I didn’t like the high it was too dulling. But I understand that we all have different chemical compositions and thus different experiences as the result of ingesting any type of chemical.

Even if those differences are subtle for some, they may be dramatic for others. That said, overall I found pot to be a rather benign drug, compared to alcohol and do agree with you on the absurdity of our war on drugs. As we all know the war hasn’t diminished anyone’s ability to score drugs if that’s their intention and has cost society billions in enforcement and incarceration.

But before you launch into the detrimental effects of the absence of fathers, I’m sure you realize that having an abusive mother or father in the immediate presence of a child also leaves lifelong emotional scars. In a perfect world, mom and dad would be well adjusted and loving parents. But in the world we have to live in, sadly, that’s not the case. I know too many people who grew up in 2 parent families, as I’m of an advanced age and that was more the norm, that are totally screwed up people and partners as a result of that experience.

So, I believe the empirical evidence proves that even when parents divorce, if both parents are well adjusted and put their children’s best interest first, they don’t need to live under the same roof to have a perfectly positive influence on their children’s lives. And, in fact, if for whatever reason mommy and daddy have grown apart and become hostile to each other, but are able to prevent their children from witnessing that anger through separation, while still staying involved from afar, their children are better off.
