European Parliament chides Hungarian prime minister over alleged democratic failings

WASHINGTON POST / AP: The European Parliament rebuked Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his government on Wednesday for pushing through changes to the country’s constitution and other laws that critics say are threatening the country’s democracy.

In a resolution adopted by a 370-249 margin with 82 abstentions, the legislature backed a report that insists Orban, who came into power in 2010, must make sure any breaches of the rights of European Union citizens are dealt with as soon as possible.

The European Parliament’s resolution is merely the latest salvo from international critics unhappy with the Hungarian leader, but it apparently struck a nerve. A day earlier, Orban pre-emptively blasted the naysayers, saying they had no right to meddle to such an extent in his nation’s internal affairs… (more)

EDITOR: The EU’s attempt to rescue democracy in Hungary may come too late. It would not surprise us if Hungary leaves the EU and draws closer to Russia. The whole thing is very sad.
