Environmental groups call for water pollution disclosure

SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE: Citing findings in a recent series of Times-Tribune investigative reports, a coalition of environmental groups called on Gov. Tom Corbett on Tuesday to speak publicly about the extent of water contamination from natural gas development [Marcellus Shale] in Pennsylvania.

They also called on the governor to nominate an independent-minded individual to fill a two-months-old vacancy in the job of secretary of the state Department of Environmental Protection.

The Times-Tribune uncovered documentation of 161 cases of contamination of private water supplies, considerably more than the 25 cases acknowledged by former DEP Secretary Michael Krancer shortly before he resigned in April, said Tracy Carluccio of Delaware Riverkeeper Network. “We demand the truth come out,” she said. “Is it Mr. Krancer’s 25, is it 161 or is it much, much more?” she asked… (more)
