Emily’s List’s sleazy attack ad in the Pennsylvania Senate race

WASHINGTON POST: …In this case, Women Vote, an arm of Emily’s List, a Political Action Committee that seeks to elect pro-choice Democratic women, is using words “true” and “truth” and even cites a fact checking organization to advance a deeply misleading claim. The group got away with it because television stations in Pennsylvania kept running the ad even though the [Joe] Sestak campaign provided evidence that it was false…

But what was this evil plan? It turns out to be the 2010 report by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, better known as Bowles-Simpson because it was co-chaired by former White House chief of staff Erskine Bowles, a Democrat, and former senator Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.). President Obama established the commission, which sought to identify ways to trim nearly $4 trillion from projected deficits through 2020…

Sestak was not on the commission, and while in Congress he never cast a vote regarding its provisions. Emily’s List bases its claims on vague references of “support” for the plan that Sestak has made on a handful of occasions over of the years, mostly in the context of the general need to reduce the budget deficit… (more)


NEWSLANC EDITOR:  A despicable attack upon the values of our democracy for an otherwise noble cause.  Sestak’s record was at least as pro-women as his opponents.  


