Elizabeth Warren Hits ‘Big Corporate Interests’ For Putting Efforts ‘Toward Influencing The Courts’

HUFFINGTON POST: …These big corporate interests are savvy,” Warren said while speaking at the American Constitution Society’s 2013 National Convention, according to the ACS law blog. “They fight every day on Capitol Hill and in the agencies, devoting enormous resources to the task of bending legislation to benefit themselves. But they also devote enormous resources toward influencing the courts. Why? Because they know that influencing those who interpret the law is another extremely effective way to achieve their goals.”

Warren warned of the “staggering” consequences a “heavy pro-corporate tilt” on the Supreme Court, and urged pressure on President Barack Obama and others to speed up the judicial nominations process.

“Above all, we must make judicial nominations a priority. It’s time for a new generation of judges, judges whose life experience extends beyond big firms, federal prosecution, and white-collar defense,” Warren said. “We need sustained pressure to get those judges in front of the Senate. Pressure — pressure on our president, pressure on senators, pressure in the press.” … (more)
