Eight More Arrested In News Corp Tabloid Bribery Scandal

HUFF NEWS:  … Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. said the five employees from The Sun tabloid had been detained and that police had searched their homes and the group’s London offices, potentially deepening the scandal over British tabloid wrongdoing….

A total of 21 people have now been arrested in the bribery probe – including three police officers – though none has yet been charged. They include Rebekah Brooks, former chief executive of Murdoch’s News International; ex-News of the World editor Andy Coulson – who is also Prime Minister David Cameron’s former communications chief; and journalists from both the News of the World and The Sun…

Britain’s National Union of Journalists claimed some News International staff felt let down by managers over their cooperation with the police. “Journalists are reeling at seeing five more of their colleagues thrown to the wolves in what many sense to be a witch-hunt. They are furious at what they see as a monumental betrayal on the part of News International,” the union’s general secretary Michelle Stanistreet said…  (more)

EDITOR:   News Corp also owns the Wall Street Journal and the Fox Television Network.  Since telvision stations must renew their operating licenses, at watch point should the FCC ban Murdoch and News Corp from having any ownership interests in the Fox network?
