Egypt Ruling Party Leaders Resign but Regime Holds

AOL:  The leadership of Egypt’s ruling party stepped down Saturday as the military figures spearheading the transition tried to placate protesters without giving them the one resignation they demand, President Hosni Mubarak’s. The United States gave key backing to the regime’s gradual changes, warning of the dangers if Mubarak goes too quickly….

Mubarak, who has ruled Egypt with an authoritarian hand for nearly 30 years, insists he must stay in office until his term ends in the autumn with a September presidential election. The military figures he has installed to lead the government – Vice President Omar Suleiman and Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq – have offered in the meantime to hold negotiations with the protesters and the entire opposition over democratic reforms to ensure a fair vote.

A day after President Barack Obama pushed Mubarak to leave quickly, the administration changed tone Saturday with a strong endorsement of Suleiman’s plans…   (more)
