Editors / Reporters need more liberal arts and less journalism schooling (and better pay)

Here is a quote from the Philadelphia Daily News Editorial Board:

“Right now, demand for natural gas exceeds the ability of producers to supply it.  Prices are deflated.”

Of course anyone who has passed a course in Introductory Economics would recognize that it is the oversupply of natural gas over demand that has caused prices to deflate.  The Daily News has it backwards.

It is bad enough that the benighted Daily News Editorial Board doesn’t know better, but the LNP editorial board honored the editorial by re-publishing  it in place of one of its own!

Sadly, most of the better educated reporters and editors leave journalism because of the appallingly low compensation.  It is hard to raise a family on prestige.  Moreover, anything emanating from the  discredited Daily News should be especially warily evaluated.
