EDITORIAL: What does it take to get Pennsylvanians to wake up to statewide corruption?

Publisher Robert Field and columnist Bill Keisling have long pondered how Pennsylvania can be consistently rated among the most corrupt five states in the union and yet the state media and population don’t seem to get the message, let alone do anything about it.

Instead we keep on electing political front persons and, when someone like Kathleen Kane and Joe Sestak come along, we are quick and mindless in allowing the Establishment politicians to run them out of town.

The question posed by Field is:  What can we do to bring home to the public the scope and magnitude of the problems?   Just reporting one outrage after another simply does not convey the big, interlocked picture.

The answer, hopefully, is a project Keisling and Field are now preparing for publication after the Presidential Election, so as not to be drowned out by national events.   It will report on well over forty outrages over the past decade or so and also imply some patterns.

It will also show how the state wide media (including LNP) has long been complicit in these wrong doings.  An independent and honest media would have long deterred such abuse of the public trust.  Instead, in many cases, newspapers (including LNP) have led them while the rest of the media acquiesced.

It is not yet certain what the final form(s) will be.  It will certainly be many time the length of the average article.  Yet it does not lend itself to serialization.  Perhaps it will also will be published as a print booklet and / or established as a stand lone web site.

Certainly Real Reporting.org / NewsLanc.com will publish it and a link henceforth will be prominently displayed on our site.







1 Comment

  1. So we’re going to get a history of your opinions and conspiracy theories.

    EDITOR: Perhaps you can explain why Pennsylvania is rated among the top five most corrupt states?

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