Economics 101

If the government borrows a hundred million dollars to pay unemployment compensation and to fund the social safety net, it has a hundred million dollar liability but no asset in return.

If the government borrows a  hundred million dollars to construction and repair infrastructure, it offsets its hundred million dollar liabilitywith a hundred million dollar asset.

If every baby born owes $47,000, baby born also owns probably a million dollars in infrastructure.  Compare that with being born in Haiti!

Being born in the USA is one of the best investments yet available.


1 Comment

  1. I assume the main cause for the apparent growing sense of anger, hopelessness and despair among those who are dealing with this issue is that the long run unemployed aren’t a unified voting force. As a matter of fact, We are made up of an entire mixture of the whole working class. This recession didn’t just effect blue collar or white collar workers. Both Republicans and Democrats have each been hit hard. It just about equally effected us all.

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