Drug War Hero – The Computer Game!

The HCLU [Hungarian Civil Liberties Union], together with Mito, a Budapest-based communication agency, created an online computer game to educate the public about the consequences of the global war on drugs and raise awareness on the “Count the Costs!” campaign:


Please play the game with us and share it with your friends, peers!

We are looking forward to your feedback – this is the first version, if it is successful enough we can develop a second version, maybe on smartphones and touchscreen too. We believe computer games provide us new opportunities to communicate with young people and mobilize them to fight the war against the war on drugs.

In the end of the game we ask players to send a letter to Yuri Fedotov and urge him to join the Count the Costs campaign.

Best regards,
Peter Sarosi
Drug Policy Program Director
Hungarian Civil Liberties Union
