“The Year on Drugs 2009: The Top Ten US Domestic Drug Policy Stories” summarizes:

“For the first time, this year showed national majorities in favor of legalization. In February, a Zogby poll showed 44% support nationwide — and 58% in California. By late spring, the figures were generally creeping ever higher. An April Rasmussen poll had support for “taxation and regulation” at 41%, while an ABC News/Washington Post poll found 46% supported “legalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use.” Also in April, for the first time, a national poll showed majority support for legalization when Zogby showed 52% saying marijuana should be “legal, taxed, and regulated.” In July, a CBS News poll had support for legalization at 41%.

“In October, a Gallup poll had support for legalization at 44%, the highest ever in a Gallup survey. And a few weeks ago an Angus-Reid poll reported 53% nationwide supported legalization. Legalizing pot may not have clear majority support just yet, but it is on the cusp.”

WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail. He doesn’t smoke pot, but he sips a glass of beer or wine most days which research shows are far more potent.

Updated: January 4, 2010 — 12:03 pm

1 Comment

  1. It looks like we should start smokin’ some pot man! I bet instead of wagging your tail you’d either be chasing it or too stoned to even know you have it!

    Thanks for keeping us up to date with these issues!!!

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