Drug czar should go

A Washington Times Op-Ed by Timothy Lynch, Cato Institute’s Project on Criminal Justice, maintains:

“Voters are disgusted by the reckless spending of politicians in Washington. The backlash is coming, so policymakers are now scrambling to do something, or at least be seen as doing something, about the enormous federal debt. Now is a good time for Congress to abolish government agencies that are outdated, dysfunctional or just unnecessary.

“A prime candidate for abolition is the office of the so-called ‘drug czar’…

“The goal of ‘disrupting supply’ has been proved farcical. Drugs are as widely available as ever…

“The bureaucracy flourished as more agents were hired and more high-tech equipment was purchased. The criminal justice system expanded to handle the influx of cases. More prosecutors. More judges. More prison guards…

“If Congress wants to take a serious step to curb reckless and wasteful spending, it ought to admit the futility of the drug war in the same way we came to realize that alcohol prohibition was misguided. If Congress is only ready to abolish some of its very worst mistakes, it should get rid of our drug czar.”

To read the full article, click here.
