Downtown "not on the way out" but won’t improve

“The city is definitely on the way out if this project does not fly.” [from a posting on a private NewsLanc list.]

The most likely scenario appears to be that the project will generate some business, but not nearly enough to justify its existence. Of course the newspapers will spin what few events are booked to make it look like the project is wildly successful. For example, today’s Intell editorial states “convention officials say they have already scheduled 90 events”, which of course is not true (as I detailed in an earlier message).

Meanwhile the cost to taxpayers continues to increase. Not only are we stuck with the $140+ million capital expense, but other costs like “streetscape improvements” and the shifting of police patrols from neighborhoods to downtown weigh heavily on residents and taxpayers. Then there are the operational losses: as I mentioned in an earlier message, it is inevitable that the “hotel tax” will need to be increased, possibly before the end of this year.

I challenge anyone to point out even one specific “economic development” in downtown Lancaster that would NOT have happened without the hotel and convention center project. Restaurant renovations don’t count: downtown restaurant owners were heavily pressured to upgrade their facilities, at least two of which are now in financial distress.

Lancaster City may not be “on the way out” if this project continues to operate with increased taxpayer subsidies, but doesn’t meet its overly ambitions goals. But neither will downtown Lancaster be much different ten years from now than it has been over the last decade. If this comes to pass, it would prove that the hotel and convention center project has been a total and complete waste of taxpayer dollars.
