Donald Trump All but Clinches Nomination With Indiana Win; Cruz Quits


NEW YORK TIMES: …Mr. Cruz, unburdening himself after a campaign in which Mr. Trump also mocked his wife’s appearance, responded with a flourish, called Mr. Trump a “pathological liar” and delved into his rival’s personal life.

“Listen, Donald Trump is a serial philanderer, and he boasts about it,” Mr. Cruz said, directly raising Mr. Trump’s marital history for the first time. “I want everyone to think about your teenage kids. The president of the United States talks about how great it is to commit adultery. How proud he is. Describes his battles with venereal disease as his own personal Vietnam.”

But the appeal did not work. Indiana Republicans proved willing to embrace Mr. Trump, the once unimaginable but now virtually certain nominee, regardless of the personal flaws and political shortcomings that would have once derailed would-be presidents… (more)


EDITOR: To think that such qualified Democrat candidates as Gary Hart and John Edwards were ruined due to affairs, both when virtually single. With Donald Trump, our nation’s value system, for good or for bad, has been turned upside down. And he may well be our next president!   We don’t discount that possibility.
