Does Gov. Tom Wolf’s plan help or hurt the middle class?

LANCASTERONLINE: …The sales tax would go from 6 percent to 6.6 percent, and expand the tax to include 45 items that are now exempt. Wolf estimates the increase and expansion of the tax would raise an additional $1.6 billion over the nearly $8.1 billion the tax generated this year.

Pennsylvania’s state and local governments collect $753 per person in general sales taxes, according to the non-partisan research think tank The Tax Foundation. With the proposed increase, that means a person would pay $75 more each year.

The personal income tax taken out of paychecks would increase from 3.07 percent to 3.7 percent. Wolf estimates the increase would raise an additional $2.4 billion over the nearly $12 billion the tax generated this year… (more)

EDITOR: It is good to see LNP reporting the news rather than just yesterday’s snow storm.

If an higher income tax is one of the things required to get the state’s budget in order, then we favor it. But we should also address the issue of unaffordable state and municipal pensions.
