Documents show sexual emails seemed funny to Attorney General’s staff at the time. The consequences? Not so much

PENN LIVES COLUMN: …It’s a jarring example of how people – even people in law enforcement who grab evidence from computers all the time – still don’t reconcile cyberspace with real life, said Susquehanna Twp.-based forensic technology consultant John Sancenito.

“People do stupid things,” Sancenito said. “An acceptable use policy is something that everybody signs when they go to work for an organization… But when it comes putting that into action, most people are completely oblivious and they don’t understand that that document they just signed and acknowledged really applies to pushing ‘send’ on the email that they get with a pornographic image.”

Many of the sexual messages – which Gov. Tom Corbett has said he never knew were circulating on his watch at the attorney general’s office – were clearly in violation of computer usage policies in place at OAG then and now… (more)
