Doctors Make Mistakes. Can We Talk About That?

HUFFINGTON POST Column:  …Since retiring from US Airways, Sully has become a motivational speaker and a widely respected consultant in patient safety. He’s not the first expert in aviation to recommend that hospitals adopt a safety culture patterned after the one adopted long ago by the airline industry. But he’s probably the most heroic. For a great interview on this, check out the Stanford School of Medicine podcast 1:2:1…

“Everything that we know in aviation, every procedure that we have, every rule in the book, every technique that we have, ultimately is because someone somewhere died,” Sully told me.

“What we have learned are lessons purchased at great cost – many of them literally bought with blood.” …  (more)

EDITOR:  The “ying and the yang” of our system is liability laws.  They cause health care workers to act more responsible but they inhibit acceptance of responsibility for errors.  Acceptable collateral damage or a reason to set liability limits?
