Do we need High to obtain highway funding?

1) To answer the question at the heart of your commentary [“Will proposed Crossings Shopping Center  destabilize region?”]…YES IT WILL!

2) Why are we dealing with High?  If the road needs the improvements, and I believe that it does, why aren’t we as a county applying for the same federal funding and fixing it, period – end of story?  Why are we only in line to get the road fixed if High gets what he wants?  Where is the leadership from our elected leaders?  Fix the road!  Forget the shopping center?

3) Two final thoughts: 1) With all that has been spent to push downtown and with High getting so much of it, why would we even consider allowing them to now further shoot downtown in the foot with this project?  2) Why do we keep getting involved in “public-private” partnerships that make no sense for the public…a) a hotel and CC where we pay 90% of the cost and they get the VAST majority of any profit and now b) we only perform a needed road fix in exchange for concessions to a private developer?
