Do F & M Trustees have any clue..?

I am not usually in the habit of bursting out laughing when reading articles at the NewsLanc website.

That changed tonight as I read your article titled “F&M’s John Fry continues to hide from interviews. By the time I got to the end of the piece, I was checking the calendar — no, it isn’t April Fool’s Day — then checking which website I was on — no, not Lancaster Post.

Did you REALLY thank them for not having the F&M security guards mug you as they did Ron Harper?

Did you really tell them you would refer to Fry as “Johnny” if they all continue to refer to you as “Bob”?

Well done. My hat is off to you.

Mr. Fry and his staff certainly did not do their PR training with Dale Carnegie, did they? It does make you wonder if the Board of Trustees have any clue the kind of face Mr. Fry and his crew are putting on the F&M brand.

Just a thought from another “suspicious” letter writer …
