Did other colleges know about Sandusky?

I agree that Corbett knew about the rape and I would like to know why he (Sandusky) wasn’t arrested. Additionally,I would like to know if there was a conspiracy of silence when no college in the USA. hired Sandusky after he was such an important part of Penn State winning a national championship?

Also,was the media a part of the cover-up as well ? I find it interesting that nobody reported Sandusky not being interviewed or hired for any college football jobs,and why….


1 Comment

  1. The media were definitiely a part of the cover-up. JoePa casts a VERY long shadow, and for any sports ‘reporter’ to dig deep would have been professional suicide. Mike gross in Sundays issue admits to as much. Glowing, idol-worship sells newspapers. Facts seldom due…case in point…………the albatross on Penn Square.

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