Did F & M Seek Assistance From City Police?

Did F&M contact the Lancaster Police last Tuesday seeking assistance and response to the “trespassers” at Nevonia or did they merely inform the LCPD of the actions and response of their private security force to the events in question?

News accounts would have you believe that F&M only sent in their “troops” when the LCPD failed to respond. A previous report on NewsLanc questions that lack of response by LCPD.*

Based on the LCPD press release, I question why they would have responded. It appears to me that F&M was merely apprising them of the situation. I think some clarification is in order.

Did F&M call the LCPD looking for a response from their officers? Is there a tape of that call that is public? If not, F&M should set the record straight on who was directed to respond, when, and why.

*NewsLanc’s intent was to determine whether F & M’s claim that they had sought assistance from the Lancaster Police was accurate. We draw the same conclusion as the writer…that F & M was only apprising the city police.
