Dick Morris: Hillary’s Biggest Fear Is Elizabeth Warren

Fear Is Elizabeth Warren

Welcome to 2008. It’s back to the future. The very same elements that toppled Hillary Clinton’s “inevitable” nomination six years ago are once again falling into place. There’s another law school professor with only two years in the Senate who is suddenly front and center. And this time, it’s a woman…

Polling shows that the leading reason for voting for Hillary is that she’s a woman; that’s followed by a desire to see a female president. Hillary’s experience runs a poor third in the list of positive attributes. So Hillary is especially vulnerable to a female candidate.

Particularly to a female candidate named Elizabeth Warren. The contrast between Warren, whose career achievements are indisputably her own and Hillary, whose advancement has been a derivative of her husband is stark. Hillary’s finely tuned machine looks antiseptic and stale compared with the contagious enthusiasm of the legions of grassroots activists energized by Warren — just as they were by Barack Obama. As ambassador to France, Gouverneur Morris said that the French “prefer lightning to light.” So do Democrats… (more)
