DeWeese guilty on five counts, jury decides

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW: A jury convicted former state House Speaker Bill DeWeese today of five criminal charges that he used taxpayers’ money to get re-elected.

DeWeese, 61, faced six felony counts of theft, conflict of interest and conspiracy. Four of the charges were theft. He was acquitted of one theft charge…

Prosecutors accused him of using Harrisburg and district office staffers to campaign for him from 2000 to 2006 and of having an aide whose primary duties were allegedly campaign fund-raising…  (more)

EDITOR: We will not defend DeWeese for his actions.  But we see much irony in one politician  going to jail for relatively small and not that unusual infractions and the governor who used the attorney general’s office to further his career  and whose campaign  accepted huge funding from Marcellus Shale interests in presumed exchange for future favorable treatment .
