Despite criticism, Corbett’s track record strong

CENTRE DAILY TIMES  /  AP:  …Aided largely by an improving economy and leverage provided by Republican majorities in the House and Senate, Corbett managed not only to keep his no-new-taxes campaign pledge for a second consecutive year but to win legislative approval for most of his major initiatives.

Among them: a natural-gas drilling law that encourages new wells and limits taxation, hundreds of millions in business tax breaks, an overhaul of the state correctional system and a refinancing of the state unemployment compensation system’s roughly $4 billion debt to the federal government.

Rep. Joe Markosek, the ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, had this advice for Pennsylvanians: “Don’t get old, don’t get sick, don’t try to educate kids, don’t be unlucky enough to be disabled, don’t try to find a job, don’t try to catch a bus and don’t try to find a non-deficient bridge.” …  (more)



  1. This article is the latest capitol insider attempt to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. The “softening” Jackson talks about in Corbett’s policies, as we all know, is actually Corbett having to back peddle from one bad and unpopular policy after another.

    To say that Corbett has a “strong track record” for any but corporate interests is absurd.

    Bill Keisling

  2. Strongly unpopular, strongly partisan, strongly disliked…Corbett.

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