Despite control, fractious state GOP allows reform to languish

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW:   School vouchers. An end to teachers’ strikes. Privately-run liquor stores. Making Pennsylvania a right-to-work state.

“Why can’t we enact a (school) voucher bill? Why can’t we sell the (state) liquor stores? Why can’t we reform and reduce business taxes and why, for heaven’s sake, can’t we confront unions … on their benefits and on prevailing wage?”[Frederick] Anton [III] said… 

[Rep. Daryl] Metcalfe acknowledged “you’re not really seeing the legislative product” to reflect a significant shift to the right among House GOP members. Still, he cites several new laws as conservative wins: requiring voters to produce photo identification, limiting the liability of lesser defendants in civil suits, expanding self-defense through the so-called Castle Doctrine bill and repealing a mandate for fire sprinklers in new homes. (more)
