Democrats ready to buck NRA’s political clout

USA TODAY:  …The wave of public horror over the slaughter of 20 young children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School has spurred gun-control advocates such as McCarthy to ramp up for one of their biggest legislative battles in nearly two decades over guns and their role in American life. The fight could pose one of the most serious challenges to the National Rifle Association’s political clout in years…

Gun rights supporters say those pushing for restrictions should not underestimate the NRA’s ability to mobilize its membership when threatened with restrictions.

“The NRA has 4.3 million dues-paying members who communicate with their representatives,” said David Kopel, an associate policy analyst at the Cato Institute and an NRA member. He said the guns and ammunition Democrats are pushing to outlaw are commonly used by millions of law-abiding Americans. “When the time comes for a vote, there will be more and more senators and representatives who find themselves reluctant to label their constituents evil people,” he said…  (more)

EDITOR:   Hopefully the NRA will join in a call for the banning of “weapons of war.”  As Presidente Obama movingly pointed out during his recent press conference, its members are also parents and grandparents.
