Democrats Assail G.O.P. After Filibuster of Proposal to Raise Minimum Wage

NEW YORK TIMES: With the Republican-led filibuster of a Senate proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 on Wednesday, Democrats moved swiftly to frame the vote as an example of the gulf that exists between the two parties on matters of economic fairness and upward mobility.

The question is not just one of money, they said, but of morality. And in doing so the Democrats returned to the themes that were successful for their party and President Obama in 2012 when they convinced swing voters that Democrats were mindful of the best interests of all Americans — not just those who are powerful and wealthy…

Senator John Cornyn, the Republican whip from Texas, argued from the Senate floor that raising the minimum wage would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and damage the fragile economy, which is going through such a slow recovery that it grew at only 0.1 percent from January through March, new figures released Wednesday showed… (more)
