Deflating Russia Can Be Done, but Only With a United US-Europe Front

NEWSMAX Column: …Undoubtedly, future Obama sanctions will go after all the big oligarchs. For example, oligarchs who own U.S. basketball teams, Pennsylvania coal mines and steel mills, the Lukoil chain of U.S. gas stations, and various high-priced condominiums in New York. Russian oligarch property in Europe is even greater, including football clubs, large industrial complexes, and airlines. And bank accounts. (Hat tip to Holman Jenkins of the Wall Street Journal.)..

And the favorite bank of these folks, Bank Rossiya, has been sanctioned too. Foreigners probably won’t do business with them. Visa and MasterCard are pulling out of Rossiya. And reports are that Rosneft, the big state-owned oil company, has been delisted on the London stock exchange. If true, that would be a significant development…

Of course, there other muscular ways to penalize and contain Russia. There could be a European ban on Russian energy imports. Or a large-scale (if symbolic) Obama endorsement of U.S. natural-gas exports, including 25 new permits for LNG (liquefied natural gas) terminals. Renegotiating Polish and Czech Republic missile-defense systems, a harder-line NATO military campaign, and military assistance to Ukraine all fit in the package. Kicking Russia out of the G-8 is another good idea… (more)
