Deeper Mideast Aspirations Seen in Nuclear Deal With Iran

NEW YORK TIMES: … “Over 15 years, things happen in countries, and if you look at Iran today, very educated, used to be very friendly with a lot of nations in the region, including Israel,” Secretary of State John Kerry said at the Council on Foreign Relations last week. “You know, there’s a long history with Persia. And the reality is that those young people, who are 20 percent unemployed, want a future.”…

And in an interview in December, Mr. Obama even seemed to welcome the rise of a powerful Iran. “They have a path to break through that isolation and they should seize it,” he said. “Because if they do, there’s incredible talent and resources and sophistication inside of — inside of Iran, and it would be a very successful regional power.”…

We believe that a world in which there is a deal with Iran is much more likely to produce an evolution in Iranian behavior than a world in which there is no deal,” Benjamin J. Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser, said just before the deal was announced… (more)
