Death of a Briton Is Thrust to Center of China Scandal

NEW YORK TIMES: …On Tuesday, Mr. [Bo Xilai] was suspended from his post on the Politburo, the 25-member body that runs China, and from the larger Central Committee, on suspicion of serious disciplinary infractions, the government announced. His wife, Gu Kailai, who is a lawyer, was being investigated in the killing [British businessman] Mr. Heywood.

… Wang Lijun, a onetime close aide to Mr. Bo who was himself under investigation for corruption, fled to the consulate of the United States in Chengdu in February and spent more than 30 hours there. He said Mr. Heywood had been poisoned and revealed what he knew about the death — and about jockeying for power inside the country’s closed political system, several people briefed on the matter said.

Although he handed over a treasure trove of intelligence, Mr. Wang was told he could not be granted asylum. He left the consulate and was taken into custody, where he has been since… (more)
