Death Comes for Troy Davis

Dear Friends:

As many of you are probably aware, Troy Davis was executed on Wednesday, September 21 after the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles refused to grant clemency to Mr. Davis. It is with deep sadness that we share this news.

As our Executive Director, Dr. Alan Bean, points out in his blog post “Death comes for Troy Davis: Father forgive us, for we know exactly what we are doing“:

“When it is no longer possible to distinguish guilt from innocence, when the state’s case lies in tatters and everybody knows it, there is no civil justification for taking a life. State-sanctioned killing is never morally justified, but even those who support capital punishment in the abstract should have grave concerns about what happened [to Troy].”

Troy’s death is a tragic miscarriage of justice.” However, we must use this tragedy to organize and spark critcal conversations about the death penalty and the criminal justice system as a whole.

In the words of Troy, “The struggle for justice doesn’t end with me. This struggle is for all the Troy Davises who came before me and all the ones who will come after me.”

In solidarity,
Friends of Justice
