Dan Senor, Mitt Romney Adviser, Blasts Republicans For Deserting Candidate After Loss

HUFFINGTON POST:  …“Tens of thousands of people, you could feel the energy, a hundred top-tier Romney surrogates were at the event,” he recalled. “I’m backstage with some of them — I won’t mention their names — but they’re talking about Romney like he’s Reagan. ‘His debate performances were the best performances of any Republican nominee in presidential history. He’s iconic.’ They were talking about him because they believed he was going to win in four or five days. And in fact, some of them were already talking to our transition to position themselves for a Romney cabinet.”

But that all changed within days of Romney’s loss, Senor claimed.

“They were on television, it was unbelievable, it was five, six days later, absolutely eviscerating [Romney],” he said…  (more)

