Daddy Justice asks: Are American courts ‘Star Chambers’?

We have been fighting for years to bring cameras into Pennsylvania Courtrooms. We can watch the Pussy Riot trials in Russia but not our children being stolen or innocent men/boys being convicted in PA.

When I was a young student it was taught we in America are a free society and one way they compared us to them was citing Soviet “Star Chamber” courts with no transparency.

Now who is transparent and who is running “Star Chambers?”

I personally have been arrested repeatedly for attempting to ask questions in courtroom and surrounding areas. Those in power then lie (felony perjury its called) and garner a conviction. How can we be safe in courthouses when it is their word against ours and the cameras are off.

Ben Vonderheide



  1. Good points. But how many ne’er do wells will use the courtroom cameras as a stage for their soap operas. Perhaps we start with audio and see how that goes.

  2. There is a reason film is considered best evidence in criminal proceedings. Better than eyewitnesses or even recorded audio.

    We elect them and have every right to watch them in action.

    Judges, lawyers, et al already use the courtrooms as their stage. No difference except we can watch the show ourselves instead of only being allowed to read “their” critics review.

    This is nothing new – it happens for decades across the world. We need to open up, shed light on this darkness and blight. If you were getting railroaded you would want transparency trust me.

  3. I am sympathetic to you plight Ben, but I doubt video would prevent being railroaded more than audio. Courtrooms are not “shows” and should never be allowed to become so.

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