Csanad Szegedi, Hungary Far-Right Leader, Discovers Jewish Roots

HUFFINGTON POST:   As a rising star in Hungary’s far-right Jobbik Party, Csanad Szegedi was notorious for his incendiary comments on Jews: He accused them of “buying up” the country, railed about the “Jewishness” of the political elite and claimed Jews were desecrating national symbols.

Then came a revelation that knocked him off his perch as ultra-nationalist standard-bearer: Szegedi himself is a Jew….

Since then, the 30-year-old has become a pariah in Jobbik and his political career is on the brink of collapse. He declined to be interviewed for this story…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. There were many similar stories during the Holocaust. Avowed Nazis faced the facts that they had Jewish grandparents, perhaps even grandparents who had converted and had no recollection of Jewish life.
    Under Nazi ideology, they were still Jewish and faced the same fate as the rest.

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