Crown Jewel of Lancaster City

I have not spent near the hours that some of you have on this [convention center] project to revitalize downtown Lancaster. However, I have been tainted as a naysayer. Clients and prominent business people have told me I should not keep company with that crazy lady April Koppenhaver and her group. I could go on and on.

Will I promote the center? No. Will I pay my taxes? Yes. I have no choice.

We as taxpayers would have prevented this major loss had the investors and officials been looking for the most profitable and complementary project to go on that corner, the crown jewel of Lancaster City and County.

Thank God for Molly and Dick, who fought to get the debt paid back before the operating expenses. At least we will have a few years as taxpayers with no mud in our faces.

Senator Gib Armstrong is running away and Paul Thibault will not be able to protect the campfire. This money pit is going to dry up in Harrisburg and Lancaster County will have to eat crow.

As for hundreds of jobs, no way. If the Hyatt in Cambridge only employs 160 plus and most of them are temps from Europe and that complex is acres, then there is no way this center will need more than 75 and that will be probably 60 minimum wage jobs.

This has surely been an education.
