Critic says banned from reading Talkback forum

The Lancaster Newspapers have gone lower than dreamed possible while absurdly contradicting the very business they are in. They have blocked me from reading their Talkback forum. I take this with a touch of pride as I think I have cut too close – and I think the bottom line is the racist hiring at LNP. It’s illegal and they are scared to death – and they should be.

But it also raises some very interesting questions. Yes, I could hook up my old computer. Yes, I could easily change my IP address and use a proxy. Yes, I can go to any other computer anywhere and read it. All of this underscores the whole ridiculousness of the situation – but not the bottom line in that they are purposely censoring who can read their “public” forum. A forum they recently advertised in their papers.

It is very, very scary. And be assured that when you are on their site, they know exactly who you are and can trace every place that you go and every link you click on.
