County may assess Facilities Department efficiency

At their September 15 Work Session the County Commissioners discussed plans to evaluate the “staffing levels and skill sets” of the County’s Facilities Management Department. If an agreement presented by Administrator Charles Douts is passed tomorrow, the County will hire McCullough Consulting Group for a $34,550 contract to prepare its assessment by October 30.

In June, the Commissioners had also approved an $82,000 study to assess the efficiency of all County Human Services Departments.

The Facilities Management contract would also require McCullough to evaluate the maintenance portion of the County Parks Department. Commissioner Scott Martin called this detail in question, stating that he had expected a comprehensive assessment of the entire Parks Department to be included in the study: “My impression, given our discussions leading up to it…was that this was going to include not just a maintenance focus.”

Martin asserted that the County is facing “tremendous budgetary obstacles” for 2010, and emphasized the importance of comprehensively evaluating all of the costs associated with the County’s buildings, grounds, and maintenance capacities.

Douts noted that the scope of work detailed in the County’s Request for Proposals called for an assessment of the Parks Department’s maintenance operations only.

Chair Dennis Stuckey concluded that the Commissioners will discuss and possibly alter the motion for tomorrow’s meeting.
