‘Corporatism’ opposes true conservative principles

Could not agree more. Same is true up here in Canada — Liberal / Conservative parties are the same thing really, just Conservative mph a little faster than Liberal — as Nader would say The current leader of Liberal was director of Carr institute at Harvard — he is on record as supporting torture in some situations (and of course, we know Harper supports torture as he handed over various prisoners to that fate).

I see many ‘conservatives’ not yet realizing that their party is mostly about ‘corporatism’ and that corporatism opposes principles of true conservatives big time. We can only hope that many of them ‘get it’ soon. And that they say no to ‘corporatism’ before we are completely impoverished (and, gulp, enslaved worse than we are) on this continent.

Same true of ‘liberals’ up here. They do not seem to understand that the Liberal party is really no different than the Conservative party.

People so need to dump both the Conservative Party and Liberal Party here in Canada or we will never see any progress, security, or prosperity again. The only viable option up here, seems to be the Green Party, with many former Conservative, Liberal, and NDP supporters coming over to the Greens looking for real solutions to real problems… (and this includes several very well known Canadian icons as well in recent years).
