Corbett’s Medicaid gambit

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE Column: Not since Harris Wofford’s 1991 race for U.S. Senate emphasizing “national health care” has a health care issue — now Medicaid — potentially defined a statewide race. In this case, it’s Gov. Tom Corbett’s 2014 bid for re-election.

Wofford made up a 40-point gap in the polls to defeat former Gov. Dick Thornburgh. Wofford, a Democrat, never made clear how the program would be funded but Thornburgh was caught flat-footed in the special election campaign, which foreshadowed Bill Clinton’s victory in the presidential race the following year.

Medicaid won’t be the focal point in the governor’s race like national health care was in 1991. But it will be a key issue nonetheless… (more)
