Corbett’s budget ideas end honeymoon


…The poll showed Corbett’s honeymoon with voters is over. Two months into his first term, 31 percent of registered voters say he’s doing an excellent or good job, compared with 52 percent who rate his job performance as only fair or poor. The margin of error for the 420 registered voters in this part of the survey is plus or minus 4.8 percentage points.

Corbett was elected in November with 55 percent of the vote.

The Shaler Republican’s job approval rating is in line with those of Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (29 percent), Sen. Pat Toomey (28 percent) and President Obama (35 percent). Fifty-three percent of people think the state is on the wrong track, compared with 37 percent who think it’s headed in the right direction, and 10 percent who don’t know…

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