Corbett won’t find it easy to emulate New Jersey’s Christie

MORNING CALL:   Gov.-elect Tom Corbett has never hidden his admiration for Chris Christie, the blunt-spoken, budget-slashing governor of New Jersey. More than once, Corbett has said a hint to how he will govern starting in January can be found across the Delaware River.

On the surface, the two Republicans have much in common. Both are hard-charging former federal prosecutors. Both inherited governments facing massive budget deficits — in Christie’s case, $10.7 billion; for Corbett, $4 billion. And both adamantly insist that state budgets can be balanced without tax increases, solely through spending cuts.

But in several important ways, including Pennsylvania‘s change-resistant legislative and political culture, Corbett may have a more difficult time than Christie in fashioning a smaller and more efficient state government…  (more)
