Corbett to keep Tomalis in new post, same pay

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: Gov. Corbett made it official Wednesday: Pennsylvania Education Secretary Ron Tomalis is leaving his cabinet post, to be replaced by a suburban Harrisburg school superintendent.

The new twist: Tomalis will be staying on as a “special adviser” to Corbett on higher-education issues – and at the same cost to the taxpayers.

In his new position, Tomalis will draw the same $149,804 salary he earns now as secretary of education.

The Inquirer reported Saturday that Tomalis was looking for a new job and was not intending to stay past summer. A key to his decision was a growing behind-the-scenes tension between him and some members of Corbett’s inner circle, according to administration sources who spoke on condition of anonymity… (more)

EDITOR: Sure beats unemployment compensation
