Corbett to face GOP’s ‘tough love’

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER:  …Though they have anxiously watched for months as Corbett has fielded political hits on everything from policy to personality, they are now encouraging the governor to shake things up in hopes of shaking off what they think is turning into a growing image problem.

Next week, according to four sources speaking on condition of anonymity, a small circle of heavyweights in the Republican Party, known as the governor’s “kitchen cabinet,” will be quietly meeting with Corbett in Harrisburg to push for changes to his top staff in the Capitol.

Their quarrel is not over policy, but with what some senior state Republicans see as political clumsiness: an inability or unwillingness to sell his agenda and his successes to the public, while at the same time allowing a tense or even dysfunctional relationship with the Republican-controlled legislature to fester unchecked.

If nothing changes, said one senior GOP figure, this is the fear: “He’ll be a one-term governor.”…  (more)

EDITOR:  What a bunch of nonsense.  Corbett is unpopular because he has sold out to Marcellus Shale interests and others to fund his election and is repaying them at the expense of the education of our youngsters and the well being of our society. 

