Corbett says he paid price of reform in denying legislators’ ‘walking around money’

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS:  …Corbett met with Capitol reporters this week to tout his success in working with the Legislature to avoid tax hikes and pass key bills, such as limiting liability for lesser parties in civil lawsuits and regulating the booming natural gas industry.

But he said lawmakers refused to cooperate on some bills, perhaps because Corbett refused to sign budgets containing “walking around money,” or WAMs, for pet projects. He declined to name them.

Two major policy initiatives of Corbett’s that failed to reach a floor vote were school choice and privatizing state liquor stores…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. And there are people saying Tom Corbett is corrupt? Doesn’t seem so to me.

    EDITOR: Note that it is Corbett who is making the assertion, not a disinterested third party.

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