Corbett leaves governorship with unsettled legacy

PHILLY.COM / AP: …Corbett cut hundreds of millions of dollars from social service programs, including the elimination of $200 monthly cash payments to poor adults unable to work and subsidized health insurance for low-income adults…

Meanwhile, Corbett championed the business community. He cut business taxes every year, reducing payments by hundreds of millions of dollars annually, and signed various top-priority bills for business groups. The natural gas industry applauded Corbett for blocking a severance tax sought by many lawmakers, and Corbett often credited his stances as the kernel for Pennsylvania’s economic recovery and its growing energy sector. Still, Democrats countered that Corbett’s policies had sunk the state’s rate of job growth to among the nation’s slowest…

Arguably, Corbett’s most far-reaching victory was passage of a law that will generate more than $2 billion a year from higher fuel taxes and motorist fees to jump-start work on a huge backlog of highway and bridge reconstruction projects… (more)

EDITOR: The fuel tax was imposed on distributors not at the pump. Of course prices at the pump jumped correspondingly as soon as it came into effect.
