Corbett faces tough final two years of first term

WILLIAMSPORT SUN-GAZETTE:  …Our recommendation would be that Corbett push hard to privatize the state-controlled liquor store system and use the funding generated from sale of the licenses for public schools and the transportation system.

While a bid to privatize the system failed in the House, the general public favors the concept and Corbett taking the lead on it might produce the momentum to get it done.

The state has transportation funding needs that can’t be met without a new source of revenue and taking a portion of the liquor store sales and putting them in the public school system would placate a group that believe it has been shortchanged in the first half of Corbett’s term…   (more)



1 Comment

  1. I have heard the call for privatizing the liquor store system for over 30 years but that isn’t going to solve Pennsylvania’s inherently corrupt government. This article credits Corbett as fiscally conservative. Take a look at the monies wasted in a 3 year debacle of delaying what should have been an arrest within 1 week of the first accuser speaking in the Sandusky scandal.

    Corbett has been nothing but a scam on the Commonwealth who has wastefully thrown money to his cronies and lobbyists. He has made Pennsylvania the laughing stock at ESPN with his politicizing the scandal so that he could subvert the administration at PSU while covering up the scandal at Second Mile and within state government at the PA DPW.

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