Corbett defends cuts in Pennsylvania higher-education budget

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER:  … Corbett insisted to reporters during his tour of the high-tech Siemens Medical Solutions plant that his 2012-13 plan for a steep new cuts in state aid to higher education – including 30 percent less money to state-backed schools such as Pennsylvania State and Temple Universities – could be dealt with by reducing campus operating costs, not by raising tuition…

“It’s incumbent upon the people of Pennsylvania to call on [these colleges] to control the cost of education,” he said…

Perhaps the most glaring cuts are a proposed reduction of about $230 million, or an average of 25 percent, for state universities. The cuts affect not only Penn State and Temple, but also the University of Pittsburgh and the State System of Higher Education, which governs 14 state colleges and universities, including West Chester and Cheyney…   (more)

EDITOR:  We agree that major reforms are needed to control the cost of education.  As an ex officio member of the Penn State board, Corbett should encourage the institution to come up with a plan that would reduce time on campuses through the use of instruction via the Internet and pooling of the use of laboratories among state universities.
