Convention Center Support? “Ain’t no way.”

I have to give my total and complete AMEN [to not providing support for the convention center project.]

In 1999 when this dog of a project was proposed, I objected on the grounds that it was WRONG to take money from a business’s customers (hoteliers) and give it to support a competitor. It was, is and always will be WRONG to do so and for that reason I will NEVER support it.

While I am on record as being AGAINST the project, I have continually said “While I am opposed to this project, if you are going to do this then…” and would give them advice from a watchdog point-of-view.

For instance, there is ZERO incentive or checks in place for Interstate Hotels (the management of the convention center and hotel) to make certain the convention center gets treated right.

Remember that SUPPORTERS have declared the convention center will be in the negative, while the hotel will be in the black. What would stop the management company that’s responsible to BOTH from simply shifting costs to the convention center and resources away from the convention center so that the hotel is in the black?

The Convention Center Authority REFUSED to put any audit feature into this arrangement and instead bowed to Dale High’s demand of “shared” management.

I could come up with a dozens and dozens of similar examples.

The bottom line – ain’t no way I am sucking up to the powers that be that foisted this project on Lancaster Countians for GENERATIONS to come!
